From left to right:
Joe Riley, Alan Clarke, Selwyn Burgess, John Hayward, Mark Bowland, Jeff Lewis and Steve Hodgkinson.
The Old Sandbachians’ Association was delighted to attend the Sandbach School Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols at St Mary’s Church, Sandbach on Wednesday December 20th 2023.
It was a fantastic service throughout, with the nine lessons very well read by pupils from each year, along with a reading by Sandbach School’s Chair of Governors, Peter Sherratt, standing in for headteacher Sarah Burns who was sadly unwell and couldn’t attend.
A particular word for the choir, who were genuinely amazing! Here at the OSA we are not given to hyperbole, but they were genuinely incredible. The author of this article is a former member of the school choir himself, and he can safely say he never got near this standard!
Afterwards, as is tradition, the OSA invited anyone involved over to the Old Hall for drinks, where we met the aforementioned choir and bought them a couple of bottles of champagne by way of appreciation for such an incredible performance.
Below are some photos, plus scans of the programme cover and order of service.

From left to right:
Joe Riley, Alan Clarke, Selwyn Burgess, John Hayward, Mark Bowland, Jeff Lewis and Steve Hodgkinson.