Alive and Kicking
Welcome to the summer OSA Newsletter. Logic may say that with minimum events in the last 2 years the popularity of the Old Sandbachians would be on the wane, but this is not the case.
- Our Membership – UP!
- Website engagement – UP!
- Facebook engagement – UP!
In May Steve Hodgkinson met up with Alec Caruth who had come to visit from Canada, Duncan McCargo was at the London Reception from Denmark and we have members in Australia. So a huge thank you to everyone who has and continues to contribute to the Old Sandbachians’ Association, renewing friendships and financially supporting the school. If you are not yet a member, please consider joining there has never been a better time.
RAF Club 2022
The London Reception at the RAF Club finally took place, albeit with reduced numbers. However it was another great day in the Capital and we were pleased to welcome new faces, as well as catching up with more familiar faces. We had old boys from as far back as the 1940s. We will be posting an article on this in the next few days.
In fact the event has been so successful that we have decided to make this an annual event to supplement the Sandbach based activities. (See below for more details.)
AGM and Annual Lunch 16th July 2022 at Sandbach School
The buffet lunch replaces the September AGM and annual dinner, and we trust that by moving to the summer and a lunch time slot it will attract many old boys to attend. We are also delighted that we will have a number of current sixth form pupils to join us. The plan is that they will have the opportunity to mingle with former pupils and ask us about life after school and what the OSA means. After the meal John Owen will lead a tour of some of the buildings and point out some of the interesting architectural features.
The cost for the lunch is £18 for members and £20 for non-members. (If you pay your joining and / or annual fee at the same time the price will be £18. All Members will have received their log-in details.) The full agenda is as follows
11:30 – Chapel Service
12:15 – AGM in chapel
12:45 – Bar opens
13:30 – Buffet
15:15 – John Owen Tour
In memory of the late Reg Dunning, our long committee member and treasurer, we will be re-instigating the traditional fund-raising raffle – Reg’s Raffle! In the past this has raised several hundred pounds on the day – all of which will end up helping the School. Any prizes can be donated via the school office or on the day, or just get in touch via news@oldsandbachians.co.uk.
Book your place via the website
OSA Business Network Launch Breakfast – September 13th 2022 at the Wheatsheaf Hotel
We are delighted to announce a joint initiative with the School. The Business Network aims to create opportunities to build business contacts whilst at the same time allowing members to sign up to support the School’s careers team. This would, for example, be through helping with interviews and possibly work placement. More details will be published at the end of July but if you are interested please book this date and look for the announcement on our website and Facebook Page.
We know there are some keen golfers amongst our members and we are exploring possible venues in both Sandbach area and the south of England for this summer and early autumn.
Jeff Lewis
Old Sandbachians Association