Today I read a few interesting facts. At the weekend Man United will play their 4000th consecutive game with a home-grown talent in their match day squad, a record dating back to 1937. A Conservative MP will represent Leigh (in Greater Manchester) for the first time since the constituency was formed in 1887. Going further back, one Francis Welles and Richard Lea combined to give land a build a schoolhouse in the town of Sandbach in 1677.
This latter fact most of us will know, or once knew and forgot from our time at Sandbach School, but I am grateful to Stephen Wright who shared a link on Facebook to Sandbach School in the National Archives. If you have not read it or are not on Facebook, you can check it out on our fantastic new website at www.oldsandbachians.co.uk. We share an incredible heritage and it is good to know that irrespective of the changes in education and the status of the school this is something that is still celebrated today. As Sarah Burns, the Headteacher says, “The traditions and feel of the school, the way the boys are being brought up as Sandbachians, it’s still there and it’s really important to us. We want them to identify as Sandbachians.”
Sarah was speaking to the OSA to help launch the website. I want to take the opportunity on behalf of committee of the OSA to put on record a huge thank you to Mark Bowland who has built and maintains our site. I think you will all agree it is a great new addition. But it needs input from you, the old boys. Tell us what you are up to, share some memories of the school, photos etc. This is what will keep the website interesting and alive, and for those who live far from Cheshire a new opportunity to be part of the OSA community.
The OSA also has a Facebook page which is very active. We have nearly 400 members on our and we will try and keep them in sync! Our goal for 2020 is to see this reach 500 so please pass on the details and help us build our footprint.
What about 2020 and the OSA? We have a number of planned events next year, so it is time to put them in your diary.
On Saturday February 8th our President Joe Riley has sponsored the Sandbach 1st XV match against Nuneaton on behalf of the OSA. It would be great to see a few extra old boys coming along to support the event.
On Saturday March 28th we are holding the third London Reception at the splendid Royal Air Force Club. Check out all the details on the website. Book now as there are limited places and it is already more than half full.
Then in June we are planning a summer weekend, with our annual Golf Day on Friday 26th June and a new Old Sandbachian Lunch to be held at the school on Saturday 27th June. More details will be available in January but please put these in your calendar now.
But before all that if you would like to join the school at its Carol Service you can head along to St Mary’s church on Thursday 19th at 6:30pm. Wrap up warm – it still gets cold in there!
So all that is left is to thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to Sandbach School and the OSA. On behalf of all the OSA Committee, I wish you and your families a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year
Jeff Lewis