It is with sadness we report the death of Colin Eastwood on 25 June 2019 aged 86. Colin achieved a 1st Class Honours degree at Manchester University and came to Sandbach School as Head of English in 1964 until 1970.
He was a very popular member of staff, an inspirational teacher and a wonderful colleague. He was personable, friendly and had a keen sense of humour. The school drama productions during his tenure were outstanding and memorable. He later served as a School Governor with pleasure and distinction.
On leaving Sandbach School he became Head of the English Department at Padgate College of Higher Education until his retirement.
Apart from his considerable academic achievements Colin was a fine sportsman. He was a very good footballer, cricketer and a keen golfer. He was a loyal member of Sandbach Golf Club and was Club Captain in 2017.
Throughout his life he was also a very keen walker and climber. He has walked in the Himalayas, Morocco and the Alps but especially in Scotland and his beloved Lake District.
Away from his prowess in physical activities Colin had a wide range of other interests. His knowledge of literature and classical music were encyclopaedic, and he was a first-class amateur photographer.
He was also a very committed Christian, an extremely active member and lay reader at St. Peter’s Church, Elworth.
He was a keen supporter of the Old Sandbachians Association and recently gave an amusing and stimulating speech at the annual dinner.
Sandbach has lost an exceptionally gifted person.
We are grateful to friend and former colleague John Austin for the above tribute.