Business Breakfast
Tuesday, September 13th 2022
The Wheatsheaf, 1 Hightown
Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 1AG
The Old Sandbachians’ Association held its first AGM and annual lunch in 3 years due to the COVID restrictions. It was a new format with the Chapel Service, the AGM and lunch all on the same day. The growth of the OSA was reflected in the number of full members attending the AGM. The lunch took place in the school refectory, with a buffet from the School’s award winning catering team.
In front of current staff and 6th form pupils, as well as old boys and former teachers, Sarah Burns, Head Teacher, thanked the OSA for its continuing financial support (see picture.) So it was appropriate to use the event to agree a new venture.
The Old Sandbachians’ Association (OSA) has a rich history of supporting the school. Former Pupils of Sandbach School have, in the past, provided resources, financial support and skills, to help build the Cricket Pavilion as a memorial to those who died in the Great War, the old swimming pool roof and – more recently – the creation of bespoke cabinets to display some of the historical artefacts that the school holds in its extensive archive.
Now, Sandbach School and the Old Sandbachians are embarking on this new partnership to directly support the School Careers Department: The OSA Business Network. Jeff Lewis, a former pupil and current OSA Secretary, explained that the idea was seeded pre-COVID, but it was after recently speaking to Careers Leader, Steve Mills, that the concept really took shape.
“The OSA has members in so many industries, from legal to transport, IT to personal finance and marketing to consulting,” he said. “Our goal was to both build B2B contacts and offer our time and resources to help the school careers team as best we could. What we did not know was that, under existing Government guidelines, the school has an obligation to help students access market information and meet employers.”
Steve is equally enthusiastic about the opportunity, adding: “The offer from the OSA to help the school has come at the perfect time, as we build our plans for the new year. We hope to build a programme of events and services to which the OSA Business Network members will commit. This could be anything from support at careers days to industry-specific talks. With potential financial support to back this up, it will be a boost to our programme for the new school year.”
Companies or individuals will sign up for an annual fee. In return, they receive access to a dedicated secure member repository on the OSA website and member discounts to future OSA and networking events. Most of all, membership presents the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience with young pupils of the school through organised events.
The launch of the OSA Business Network is a breakfast meeting on September 13th at the Wheatsheaf in Sandbach. It is open to all former pupils of the school, irrespective of whether they are a current member of the OSA. The cost is just £10.
To book please complete the form below, or if you have any questions please CONTACT US.