Announcing the Former Cadets Dining In Night

July 16, 2024 OSA Admin 0

When the OSA was offered additional seats for the 2024 CCF Dining In Night it left us in an unenviable position. Who, of so many former cadets, do we invite? The reaction on our Social Media showed there were some disgruntled old boys!

Newsletter April 2024

April 23, 2024 OSA Admin 0

I am delighted to be able to report on progress we have made since our last letter. Membership continues to grow, along with Facebook page members and engagement. We really hope that more of the FB members will convert to full members

The OSA looks forward to 2024

January 31, 2024 OSA Admin 0

It’s been a great start to the New Year! England winning an epic test match in India and the latest resurgence in West Indies cricket, a new men’s tennis Grand Slam winner, rugby’s Louis Rees-Zammit heading to try his luck at American Football and Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp also planning to leave English football for pastures new!